Research Interests
Theoretical and computational neuroscience, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science.
- 09/2015-08/2020, Northeastern University, Ph. D. candidate in Physics
- 09/2011-06/2015, Lanzhou University, Cuiying Honors College, Bachelor of Science, Physics
Workshop and Summer School
- 06/2017-07/2017, Princeton University, Neurotechnologies for Analysis of Neural Dynamics summer course
- 07/2014-08/2014, The University of California, Berkeley, Summer School, Courses Taken: General Astronomy and Special Topics in History
- 05/2016-08/2020, Research Assistant, Neurogeometry Lab
- 06/2019-08/2019, Computational Biology/Data Science internship, Axcella Health
- 09/2015-04/2016, Teaching Assistant, Northeastern University, Introductory Physics Laboratory
Journal Papers
- Danke Zhang, Chi Zhang and Armen Stepanyants, Reconstructing connectome of the cortical column with biologically-constrained associative learning. (in preparation)
- Chi Zhang, Danke Zhang, and Armen Stepanyants, Biologically inspired model of associative memory storage with noisy neurons and synapses. Submitted. Website: (in preparation)
- Zhang, Danke, Chi Zhang, and Armen Stepanyants. "Robust associative learning is sufficient to explain the structural and dynamical properties of local cortical circuits." Journal of Neuroscience 39, no. 35 (2019): 6888-6904. Download
- Yu, Lianchun, Chi Zhang, Liwei Liu, and Yuguo Yu. "Energy-efficient population coding constraints network size of a neuronal array system." Scientific Reports 6 (2016): 19369. Download
- Chi Zhang, Liu Li-Wei, Wang Long-Fei, Yue Yuan, and Yu Lian-Chun. "Optimal Size for Maximal Energy Efficiency in Information Processing of Biological Systems Due to Bistability" Chinese Physics Letters 32, no. 11 (2015): 110501. Download
Selected Conference Papers
- Danke Zhang, Chi Zhang and Armen Stepanyants. Reconstructing connectome of the cortical column with biologically-constrained associative learning. CNS2019, Barcelona, 2019. (Travel award)
- Chi Zhang, Danke Zhang, and Armen Stepanyants. Fluctuations in neural activity are reflected in the structure of associative memory networks. COSYNE2019, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019. (Travel award)
- Danke Zhang, Chi Zhang and Armen Stepanyants. Structural and dynamical properties of local cortical networks result from robust associative learning. CNS2018, Seattle, 2018. (Oral presentation, top 5%)
- Danke Zhang, Chi Zhang and Armen Stepanyants. Order-to-chaos phase transition in recurrent networks operating at maximum capacity for storing sequences of network states, ICMNS2017, Boulder, 2017. (Oral presentation)
- Chi Zhang, Danke Zhang, Armen Stepanyants. "Robustness to fluctuations in neural activity is reflected in the structure of critical associative memory networks." SfN, Washington, DC, November 2017.
- Chi Zhang, Danke Zhang, Armen Stepanyants. "Structural and dynamic properties of neural networks with robust associative memory recall in the presence of fluctuations in neuron firing." International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience, Boulder CO, May 2017.
Selected Posters and Talks
- Chi Zhang, Danke Zhang, Armen Stepanyants. "Robustness to fluctuations in neural activity is reflected in the structure of critical associative memory networks." Society for Neuroscience Annual Conference, Washington DC, Nov 2017.
- Chi Zhang, Danke Zhang, Armen Stepanyants. "Structural properties of neural networks with robust associative memory recall in the presence of fluctuations in neuron firing." International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience, Boulder CO, May 2017.
Honors and Awards
- 09/2019,CNS travel award
- 08/2019,Best graduate intern at Axcella Health
- 03/2019,Cosyne travel award
- 10/2014,First Class Scholarship and “Model Student” of LZU
- 04/2014,Honorable Mention, Mathematical Contest in Modeling/ Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling
- 05/2013,Excellent Cadre of the Communist Youth League of LZU
- 12/2012,First Class Scholarship and “Model Student” of LZU
- 12/2011, “Outstanding Member” of the Student Union, LZU
- Coding Languages: Python, Matlab, R, C++, html, CSS, javascript, Bash Script.
- Machine Learning: SQL, Pandas, Scipy, Sklearn, Tensorflow, Keras, GPU computing.